Trust & Safety Last update 11 months ago

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Getting To Know Your Sellers Is Easy

Feedback and reputation play a crucial role in the workzone africa marketplace. We have implemented various features such as seller ratings, levels, and buyer feedback to facilitate easy evaluation, comparison, and acquisition of the services you require.

After a seller completes a Gig, buyers can rate their experience based on criteria all made visible to you.


In the spirit of complete openness, buyers have the ability to provide feedback on their experience with sellers and publicly disclose their orders. This allows others to view and assess the interaction.


With millions of orders per day, Workzone Africa employs cutting-edge anti-fraud and data security measures to safeguard your transactions and data.

• Personal Information

Workzone Africa respects your privacy. Your data is always secure, and we will never share your personal information with a third party.

• Encrypted Communications

Through our secure messaging system, you can safely communicate and exchange files with any Seller on Workzone Africa.

• Secure Payments

The Workzone Africa platform is used for all transactions. Whether a buyer pays with a debit/ credit card, USSD, Mobile banking, PayPal, or another method, we handle everything and protect your personal information. As a Level 1 PCI-DSS service provider, Workzone Africa is committed to the highest security standards.